Embracing the Minimum Viable Audience (MVA) Approach: Why Mass Products are Dead.

Embracing the Minimum Viable Audience (MVA) Approach: Why Mass Products are Dead

This is because in the modern digital era, the concept of the supply of the ‘greatest hits’ essentially producing product ‘Es’, to appeal to the maximum number of users, is growing obsolete. But, in reality, organizations are turning towards identifying the so-called Market of One, that is a Minimum Viable Audience (MVA): the people who actually need the business’s offerings. The refreshing and revolutionary concept that is going to be talked about in this blog is essentially the fact that mass products are no longer relevant and the only way forward is the adoption of the MVA approach.

The Demise of Mass Products

One should not forget that the biggest issue facing modern manufacturing industries is that the once powerful globules of the market no longer hold the same ability to dominate the market with scratch-built, standardized goods. The largely competitive market and the change in consumer habits force mass products to find their niche in the market of the 21st century. Consumer expectations have evolved towards a far more individualized experience, the absence of which is likely to offset a particular company.

The Power of Minimum Viable Audience (MVA)

Minimum Viable Audience (MVA) is a concept that implies paying attention to a particular group of individuals with a need, problem, or interest. Then, choosing specific audiences allows the generation of better products or services because they are tailored to these target markets and are therefore more valuable. It serves to enable specific business strategies that cause the organization to stand out from other similar establishments and thus be able to forge better relationships with consumers and guarantee sustainable profitability in the long run.

Why Specificity is Key

With such an approach, it was realized that the more you seek compromise in an attempt to otherwise reach a broad spectrum of people, the less likely you are to make an impact on any of them. When businesses attempt to go mass market to develop products and services that would appeal to every single human being, they end up not truly resonating with any specific market. On the other hand, if you target a less populated niche known as the Minimum Viable Audience, you can appeal to its needs, challenges, and desires, making your product more attractive.

The Digital Marketing Course Example

Let’s take an example of one particular course, i.e., digital marketing. Rather than attempt to market to all the people who might be interested in marketing, a business could aim for a certain segment of people; for instance, business owners with limited stores or shops’ online presence looking forward to expanding their horizons. In this way, the business can target higher-quality clients since every activity it engages in will target this target niche market that would be most suitable for the course and is most likely to find the course useful.

Benefits of Embracing the MVA Approach

Higher Quality Customers: By targeting a specific audience, businesses attract customers who are genuinely interested in their products or services, leading to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Greater Brand Loyalty: When businesses cater to the unique needs of their audience, they build stronger relationships and foster greater brand loyalty over time.

Increased Revenue: While targeting a niche audience may seem counterintuitive, it often leads to higher profitability as businesses can command higher prices and enjoy lower customer acquisition costs.

Opportunities for Growth: Focusing on a Minimum Viable Audience doesn’t limit growth; instead, it sets the foundation for sustainable expansion by establishing a loyal customer base and gaining valuable insights into market trends and preferences.


Today, one cannot talk about mass products any longer, especially in today’s competitive marketplace. Thus, MVA is an approach that enterprises should adopt, and it implies targeting the smallest feasible groups of people with relevant offers. In this way, businesses can establish uniqueness, link with their customer base effectively, and create more efficient growth models for the future in the contemporary digital realm. As Mahoney noted, let alone the fact that enthusiasm does not reach everyone, it is the people we need to influence.

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